to the rhine valley:

At the Schweizerhaus
(here you may eat dinner etc):

Scamp marks the spot where the
main party tent will be located:

Yep, lot's of space...

This will be the car park:

UNDERGROUND CONFERENCE 7 is featuring a fucking great location. UC will be located on a huge meadow next to the "Schweizerhaus" in the forest near Bingen am Rhein.
The "Schweizerhaus" is some kind of forest restaurant built back 1845. It was once built as a guest house for nearby Castle Rheinstein, high up on the hills next to the rhine valley. Well, some days later, cars and stuff got invented. And people noticed, that the only means to reach "Schweizerhaus" was a 40 minutes walk through the forest. Therefore it doesn't see many visitors anymore these days, which enabled us to rent the whole location.
There couldn't be a better location for Underground Conference. Next to the house, there is a FUCKING big meadow, completely surrounded by forest. The next town (Bingen) is several kilometers away, so we can be as LOUD as we want to be, and hell, we WILL be loud :). As the "Schweizerhaus" is equipped with running water, phone and power connections through the forest, we also got access to this. So, we got all the great things about a "at the end of the world"-location (no problems regarding noise, beautiful views, wild animals etc) combined with stuff you usually don't find at the end of the world - internet connectivity, enough power for everything, water toilets etc.
The party itself will take place inside a huge party tent on the meadow, and of course on the meadow itself. In addition to our own food/drink stand, the Schweizerhaus will be offering Dinner and snack. They also have a terrace to sit on, with a breathtaking view over the complete rhine valley.
We are pretty sure you will love the location as much as we do.
- FASSBIER (Freshly drawn beer, Kölsch and Bitburger)
- 8x10m Bigscreen (approximately) oder ein Gameboy mit Lupe suckers
- Big party tent
- Powafull Stereo (Normally used for HARDCORE concerts) [No P4 fake !]
- Room 4 about 100 computers and 189.3 doodz (-> ELiTE 0NLY)
- Futzeport selling cheap drinks, snacks and breakfast at selfcost prices
- The Schweizerhaus "restaurant" will sell dinner
- The very best view over the beauftiful rhine valley
- GIGANTIC meadow to chill, party and booze on
- Tons of outside action - DJ sets, open-air demoshows
- A really nice BONFIRE
- Nahgelegene Auffahrt zur Datenautobahn (internet access)
- Tons of HARDCORE power (if you bring no Verteilerstecker, you will get no Strom!)
- Tasty breakfast
- Party network (bring your own switches!)
- Lots of space on the meadow for sleeping tents (Don't forget to BRING sleeping tents along with you!)
- Real water toilets
Here at UNDERGROUND CONFERENCE, we are very KNALLHART regarding our rules. Phear us!
- Entrance fee is 35 Euros. Girls do NOT get in for free. Even organizers will pay the entrance fee. There are no discounts whatsoever. There are no single-day tickets. Don't ask. DON'T ASK. You will be splattered! Here are some simple maths: We are expecting 50-80 paying visitors. So, our party budget will be somewhat around 2.500 Euros. In reality the party will produce costs of around 5.000 Euros. The missing 2.500 Euros will be paid out of scamp's pocket.
- Party starts on Thursday, 27.7., around 18:00. At this time, nothing will be ready, and everybody arriving at the location will be enslaved to help setting up everything :)
- Party ends on Sunday, 30.7. around noon.
- The only available parking space is on the meadow itself. This is NOT suitable for Angeberautos or any kind of car that easily breaks apart! If you happen to own such a sissyauto, you'll have to park your car at a parking place which is a 40 minutes walk through the forest away. We'll provide an unreliable, dangerous shuttle-service driven by a drunk stoned looney between that car park and the location.
- Registration required! - Yep, go here for more inphoz.